This summer, I embarked on a remarkable journey with Save A Child's Heart (SACH), an experience that changed me in more ways than I can count. Every day was an opportunity to learn, grow, and, most importantly, make a difference. One unforgettable memory that comes to mind is when I was reunited with a boy named Elijah from Zanzibar. We had grown close, connected by our mutual love for ball games. But then came a time when I had to be away for a week. When I returned, Elijah thought I had left for good. His genuine shock and joy upon seeing me again was a precious moment. It reminded me that the bond we form with others can leave a lasting impact, no matter how brief.
At the children's home, each day was packed with mutually fun activities for the kids and me. We engaged in everything from playing with magnet blocks, drawing, soccer, drawing, and even rock painting - an activity I arranged. Gathering rocks from my grandparents' backyard and seeing the children's eyes light up as they creatively painted them was a fantastic experience.

One touching incident reaffirming my choice to pursue a medical career was my interaction with Aki, a 14-year-old boy. He was very nervous about a surgery he would have the next day, but through our conversation and the distraction of a FIFA game, I managed to alleviate his worries. It made me realize that, besides medical care, emotional support can play a crucial role in a patient's treatment and recovery. Throughout this journey, I learned that everyone deserves access to quality healthcare and support, no matter who you are or where you are from. My time at SACH showed me that medicine isn't just about curing diseases but also about providing mental comfort. And I feel fortunate to have contributed to this cause, even in a small way.These life-altering experiences at SACH are things I will carry with me as I embark on my medical journey. They have infused an even deeper desire to help others. I can't wait to bring the same compassion and dedication to my future career as a doctor. To anyone considering a similar path, I'd say 100% go for it. The smiles, the memories, the bonds you'll make - it's all worth it.