February 14, 2018

Anna's Journey

On the first day of our medical mission in Tanzania, we examined many children's hearts, but we fell in love with one child in particular. Her name is Anna, and she is a lovely 16-year-old girl who was born with a hole in her heart. Doctors didn't discover the problem until she was 4, and now, 12 years later, she has finally found a team to help her.

Anna underwent a life-saving procedure during the mission, and the hole in her heart has been closed!

Anna is a shy and cheerful teenager who excels in math and has big dreams for herself. She wants to be a doctor or engineer when she grows up. She enjoys singing, drawing, and writing. She also loves playing netball with her friends, but because of her heart condition, she often gets too tired to continue.

Now that the hole in her heart is closed and she is healing, we hope that she will be back to playing netball in no time... and that she will never let her heart slow her down again!

Watch below to see Anna's journey to health as it happened.